Holistic Therapies


Our Holistic Therapies and Coaching services include licensed therapists, seasoned coaches and integrative practitioners that support your mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Some therapeutic approaches you will find from our therapists and coaches are spiritual, integrative, eclectic and holistic. Some of our practitioners also have a strong clinical background with clinical training. Please read more about our practitioners below and schedule a consultation to find the right fit for you and your journey. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving. Its goal is to change patterns of thinking or behavior that are behind people's difficulties, and so change the way they feel.

Intuitive Therapy - The fundamental principle of Intuitive Therapy is the belief that, similarly to the way in which a flower has an innate ability to instinctively move towards sunlight, we too have the ability to move towards healing, emotional wellness, and self-discovery. 

The Somatic Experiencing® method is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders. It is the life’s work of Dr. Peter A. Levine, resulting from his multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, together with over 45 years of successful clinical application. The SE™ approach releases traumatic shock, which is key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma.

Transformational Coaching provides strategies to explore who we are by diving deep into an individual’s psyche, focusing on who that person is and desires to become.

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